Friday, February 25, 2011

Step onto a Box (CG)

Here it is, my first animation using Maya. I ran into some gimble lock and didn't get it fixed completely, so the left arm is a little messed up still, but it's time to move onto the next project.

Pig Rig

Here's my pig after I rigged it. I didn't have too much fun putting the joints in, but I actually liked painting the weights, and of course, I loved putting my pig into different poses. I'm really pleased with the last one, I think it really does look like it could be a stuffed animal. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Step onto a Box

For Principles of Animation 1, we're working on having a character step onto a box.  Again, my timing is a little slow at the beginning. I want to change his right arm so it moves up faster, right now moves at the same speed as the leg so it looks like a marionette. We're going to animate it in Maya now, so maybe I'll just fix it there.

Pig Model

I modeled this pig for 3D Modeling and Animation Essentials. I think the model turned out pretty well (it kind of looks like piglet), but the UV mapping on the body could use some work. I know I can make it look better. We're working on rigging our pigs right now, then we'll eventually get to animate them!


Here are some poses I did using the Moom Rig.

Flour Sack Animation

I did this animation for Principles of Animation 1. It's kind of choppy because I didn't inbetween it; it's all key frames and break downs.  The timing is off, it's a little too slow. If I ever find the time I want to go back and fix the timing and maybe finish all the inbetweens?

Snowman Model

I modeled this snowman scene for my 3D modeling and animation essentials class. The first picture was what I turned in at first. We critiqued each other's scenes in class and someone noticed that I had a chimney, but there was no fireplace inside like there should be. I fixed that in the next picture.