Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bird Character

This is the character I've been developing for my Character Developement class.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Remote - Entrance

I just finished this rough animation. Here it is. The opening scene for The Remote:

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Remote - Teleporting

The rest of my class needed more time to finish up their scenes for the short we're putting together, and the assets aren't quite ready for us to take the animation into 3D, so I decided to throw together another gag for the film. In this scene, the character is teleported somewhere off screen ...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Remote - Spelunking

My class is building a short, gag-filled, cartoon and each student is animating an individual scene. We spent one day developing the story and another day designing the character and the setting. The story is about a guy who can’t find the remote that controls his television.

In my scene the character digs through his chair, searching for the right remote. This is just rough animation, I’ll clean it up after I get the motion perfected.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Horse and Wagon

I fixed up the walk cycle a little bit and decided that while I was at it, I might as well start animating the wagon too.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Horse Walk Cycle

I did a quick walk cycle for the horse the other day. I realized this morning that I forgot to animate the shoulders, so if the front legs look a little funny, that's why. I'll post a revised version when I get around to fixing it.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Trot Cycle

I'm animating a horse for one of UVU's short films, Dark Day, or as we lovingly call it, Cowboy. This is my first attempt at a trot cycle, It could still use some work, but improvement will only come with practice.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Back to Basics

I like to think I'm a decent artist, not great, but decent. I've taken a few drawing classes and have always been pretty good at copying other people's work, but I have never been able to draw something from my mind and have it look very good. I realized that none of my art teachers have actually taught me how to draw. They've taught me different techniques to improve a drawing, but I've been missing some of the basics.
In an effort to improve my drawing abilities I bought a drawing course by Riven Phoenix from www.alienthink.com called The Structure of Man: Learn to Draw the Human Figure from Your Mind. I'm not too far into the course yet, but I'm already seeing some improvement. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn how to draw the human figure.
It's amazing how much it helps to go back to the basics; not just with drawing, but with anything (dance, music, animation ...) When you review the basic fundamentals, you can be reminded of important principles that over time you have forgotten; you might even learn something new that you didn't realize you had been missing. When you find you are struggling with something, go back to the basics; the answer to your problem may be simpler than you think.

Friday, May 13, 2011

boy vs squirrel update

     I finished putting in the poses for the boy! I still need to fix a few things with the boy and animate the squirrel. Here are some more images from this project (the ball is there as a place holder so I know where I want the squirrel to be.)

     I haven't had as much time to work on this particular animation as I would have liked, so it probably wont get done in time to enter into the competition. I've learned a lot from this project so far and whether I am able to turn it in at the end of the month or not, I think I'm going to try to finish it.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Boy vs Squirrel

Here are some images from the animation I plan on entering in the 11 second club's May competition. It's turning out to be more complicated than I expected, hopefully I can get it done in time. :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Demo Reel, Spring 2011

This demo reel contains pretty much all of the stuff I've been working on this semester in my Animation 1 class at UVU.

Monday, April 25, 2011

3D Essentials Final

my friends Timothy, David and I decided to do a joint project for our 3D modeling and animation essentials class, here is my part. I modeled, rigged, animated, rendered and composited everything you see (except for the ball, I animated it, but I didn't model it).
The animation isn't as smooth as I would like it to be, I blame it on the rig; I am obviously not meant to be a rigger :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Full Stomach

This is my final animation for my Principles of Animation1 class at UVU. The dialogue is from A Knight's Tale.

Monday, April 11, 2011

3D Essentials Progress

This is what I've been working on for my final for my 3D modeling and animation essentials class. We have to create a 10 second animation from scratch. I spent the last two weeks modeling, texturing, and rigging. I'm going to work on animating this week.

Friday, April 8, 2011


This is my first animation to dialogue, I used a sound clip from muppet treasure island.

Friday, March 25, 2011


This animation was an assignment Aaron Mann gave to my Principles of Animation class. We were supposed to have a character turn around, react to what he sees, then take a couple steps pushing a heavy box. This is also the first time I messed with the facial controls.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Step onto a Box (CG)

Here it is, my first animation using Maya. I ran into some gimble lock and didn't get it fixed completely, so the left arm is a little messed up still, but it's time to move onto the next project.

Pig Rig

Here's my pig after I rigged it. I didn't have too much fun putting the joints in, but I actually liked painting the weights, and of course, I loved putting my pig into different poses. I'm really pleased with the last one, I think it really does look like it could be a stuffed animal. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Step onto a Box

For Principles of Animation 1, we're working on having a character step onto a box.  Again, my timing is a little slow at the beginning. I want to change his right arm so it moves up faster, right now moves at the same speed as the leg so it looks like a marionette. We're going to animate it in Maya now, so maybe I'll just fix it there.

Pig Model

I modeled this pig for 3D Modeling and Animation Essentials. I think the model turned out pretty well (it kind of looks like piglet), but the UV mapping on the body could use some work. I know I can make it look better. We're working on rigging our pigs right now, then we'll eventually get to animate them!


Here are some poses I did using the Moom Rig.

Flour Sack Animation

I did this animation for Principles of Animation 1. It's kind of choppy because I didn't inbetween it; it's all key frames and break downs.  The timing is off, it's a little too slow. If I ever find the time I want to go back and fix the timing and maybe finish all the inbetweens?

Snowman Model

I modeled this snowman scene for my 3D modeling and animation essentials class. The first picture was what I turned in at first. We critiqued each other's scenes in class and someone noticed that I had a chimney, but there was no fireplace inside like there should be. I fixed that in the next picture.